QLD - Training & Scholarships

As a subset of our engagement activities in all streams, NAWIC QLD offers student and leadership scholarships annually to suitable applicants. Student scholarship opportunities open in February, so ensure you follow NAWIC QLD’s various social media platforms to stay abreast of developments in this area. 

For any enquiries on the scholarship, please contact [email protected]


NAWIC QLD Program Marketing

eInstitute & CSQ upskilling partnership.                 

To offer up to 20 fully funded places in two nationally recognised qualifications developed in partnership with eInstitute RTO 41463:

  • Certificate IV in Project Management Practice; and
  • Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
It is widely known that skills development underpins economic prosperity and enables inclusive growth.
It is anticipated this partnership will improve economic security for women in construction by providing each participant with a nationally accredited qualification, increasing skills and knowledge, career options, work choices and earning potential.
The qualifications have been carefully contextualised to develop employability skills aimed at improving women’s capability and suitability for higher level positions within the construction industry.


  •  CSQ will fund up to $2,825 towards each eligible participant's course fees. The eInstitute has contributed the remaining course fees for each participant, meaning that there are no out of pocket costs for the participants.
  • 75% subsidised by Construction Skills Queensland through the eInstitute CSQ Higher Level Skills funding program
  • 25% subsidised by the eInstitute – an RTO run by women for women.

Submit your entry here:

FORM 1: Student Enrolment Agreement

Vocational Scholarship

About the Scholarship                 

The scholarship is designed to support women in all fields of construction.
Recipients of the NAWIC scholarship are encouraged to:
- Attend a NAWIC QLD Education & Mentoring Committee meeting (held monthly), to share their experiences, thoughts and suggestions with the group.;
- Attend a NAWIC QLD event or seminar during the year the scholarship is awarded; 
- Promote the scholarship on campus at the following year's launch; and,
- Be open to participating in NAWIC School Engagement panel discussions during the year the scholarship is awarded.

NAWIC QLD will provide an opportunity for the scholarship recipient to provide input to the NAWIC QLD social media channels, in the form of either an article or short post.

Please note the recipients essay will be made available through one or more NAWIC QLD channels – such as the NAWIC website, Facebook page and LinkedIn page.  

The Scholarship is valued at $1,500. NAWIC will provide a year’s free student membership to NAWIC QLD as part of the scholarship prize.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Scholarship you must:

  • Be a female

  • Reside in Queensland

  • Be enrolled full time in a construction or property related Cert III,  IV, diploma or Advanced Diploma

 Applications must be lodged by  Monday 17th April 2023 5.00pm AEST. 

University Scholarship

About the Scholarship

The scholarship is designed to support women in all fields of construction.

Recipients of the NAWIC scholarship are encouraged to:
- Attend a NAWIC QLD Education & Mentoring Committee meeting (held monthly), to share their experiences, thoughts and suggestions with the group.;
- Attend a NAWIC QLD event or seminar during the year the scholarship is awarded; 
- Promote the scholarship on campus at the following year's launch; and,
- Be open to participating in NAWIC School Engagement panel discussions during the year the scholarship is awarded.  

NAWIC QLD will provide an opportunity for the scholarship recipient to provide input to the NAWIC QLD social media channels, in the form of either an article or short post.

Please note the recipients essay will be made available through one or more NAWIC QLD channels – such as the NAWIC website, Facebook page and LinkedIn page.  

The Scholarship is valued at $2,500 for one year paid in two installments of $1,250. NAWIC will provide a year’s free student membership to NAWIC QLD as part of the scholarship prize.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Scholarship you must:

  • Be a female;

  • Reside in Queensland;

  • Be enrolled full time in the second or third year of an undergraduate degree program, related to property, architecture, engineering or construction;

  • Have a minimum 5.0 (on 7 point scale) or 2.5 (on 4 point scale) GPA, and continue to meet all other eligibility requirements to receive the second payment.  Failure to comply may result in termination of the scholarship at the discretion of the NAWIC committee;

Applications must be lodged by Midnight, Monday 17th April 2023.

Submit your entry here:

NAWIC QLD 2023 University Scholarship Entry 


Aspiring Leaders Scholarship


Leaders of today face unprecedented changes, challenges and opportunities in work and their career paths. The gap between tertiary training and executive experience is ever-growing, and aspiring leaders need now, more than ever, to be equipped with the practical tools and skills to confidently navigate the challenging and changing landscapes of leadership. 

In partnership with WeAspire, NAWIC QLD is now offering our members and aspiring leaders with sponsored support, training and development opportunities through WeAspire’s industry-leading programs. 

WeAspire’s programs are designed as immersive training experiences to help reveal how leaders actually respond in real life scenarios. These provide aspiring leaders the opportunity to identify skill and experience gaps, as well as low stakes environments to try out new approaches and strategies to learn from.

There are two scholarships available, one for an aspiring leader living in a metropolitan area of Queensland and one for an aspiring leader in a regional area of Queensland. 

What’s included in the Aspiring Leaders Program Scholarship 

Aspiring Leaders Program commencing on 2 February and concluding in November 2022 (9 months). This leadership training includes a membership to WeAspire Central including access to all Feature Courses and Short Courses. Topics include Leadership Fundamentals, Leadership in Action, Influential Leader and more valued at $3,000 
One on one coaching x 3 sessions with industry leading mentors to personalise your career journey valued at $1,500 
VIP ticket to the Executive Experience Day in your the closest capital city, including return flights valued at $4,000

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Scholarship you must:

  • Be a member of NAWIC QLD for this financial year
  • Reside in Queensland
  • Have either 
    -completed tertiary studies and have a minimum of 3 years industry experience or 
    -have a minimum of 5 years industry experience
  • Work in the construction and/or related industries


 Applications must be lodged by 5.00pm Friday 26 November 2021.

The winner will be announced at the NAWIC Christmas Breakfast on 9 December 2021. 

Submit your application here!

QBCC Scholarship for Australian Institute Of Company Directors Course: Proposed Scholarship Requirements 2024

QBCC is offering one full scholarship to a high calibre applicant who is a National Association of Women in Construction Qld member to undertake the Company Directors Course through the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).

The scholarship covers a 12-month membership to AICD and the course fees only.

Essential criteria

Applicants must:

  • Be a current member of NAWIC Qld who is actively working in the building and construction industry within Queensland
  • Reside in Queensland
  • Be eligible to meet the AICD membership requirements
  • Commit to attending the full five-day course in Brisbane within the 12 months period following awarding of the scholarship – dates will be agreed with the successful applicant
  • Willing to be profiled by NAWIC, QBCC and AICD after completing the program which may used to promote the course and sponsorship on social media channels, website, magazine or other formats
  • Provide a written testimonial as to the benefits and value of the scholarship to QBCC upon completion of the course 
  • Have the support of their organisation as shown by a letter on company letterhead (not required to be submitted with the application – this will be requested if required)
  • Commit to completing the assessment requirements of the course.

Submit your Application here

Submissions Close on Monday 5 February 2024.